The People Hacker

Get in touch
Jenny is the most confident, knowledgeable, sharing and entertaining person I've ever had the privilege of seeing on stage.
Jenny Radcliffe is the speaker all the others should be measured against and if you want a speaker in this arena, hire the best, not one of her copycats!
An extraordinarily good, clear speaker with the right mix of information, humour and stories to hang the talk on, without the humour or story getting in the way of the message
She is a very enthusiastic and engaging public speaker. Effortlessly funny, she can paint a picture with words and tie her audience in knots with her tongue. An expert in body language and psychological manipulation (she'd call it "social engineering", I'd call her a female Derren Brown.
Jenny is a great speaker on how social engineering works and what you need to think about to protect your 'crown jewels'. See her more than once as the subject area she covers is wide-ranging, and you pick up new things each time
If you have the opportunity to either attend her training or join one of her talks or even watch her on Channel 4's Hunted. I strongly suggest you do!


Jenny has delivered talks and training to audiences of all sizes from conferences of 1000s to intimate presentations for senior teams. She travels the world educating and entertaining audiences about social engineering and people hacking and sharing her fascinating life-story and amazing experiences.

  • Social Engineering and People Hacking
  • Scams, Fraud and cons / con artistry
  • Psychological profiling and hacks
  • Deception detection
  • Human element of cyber security
  • Hacks, hacking and penentration testing
  • Open source intelligence and social media
  • Online safety and social media
For all speaking enquiries please click here

About Jenny Radcliffe

From an early age, locked doors, high fences and the secrets kept by businesses, buildings and people, fascinated Jenny Radcliffe aka “The People Hacker.” She has spent a lifetime learning how to use the “human element” to gain access to the buildings, data and information, and the things we would wish to keep private.

A burglar for hire, a professional con-artist, and an expert in Non-verbal communications, deception and persuasion techniques, she is an ethical Social Engineer, a “people hacker” hired to smash security measures, using psychology, con-artistry, subliminal linguistics, cunning and guile. She has led simulated criminal attacks on businesses of all types and sizes, running crews with varied expertise and experience, in order to help secure client sites and information from malicious attacks.

Jenny’s life and career is an anecdote ridden roller coaster of a tale, from the mean streets of Liverpool in the 1980’s to the square mile of London’s financial district and beyond. From breaching zoos, offices and funeral parlours, theme parks, banks and football stadiums, to helping respected businesses and organisations to protect themselves from the threat of malicious “people hackers.”

Jenny is an exceptional and highly impactful speaker. A regular keynote at international major conferences, as well a leading security and corporate events (Infosec, Rant, DISA, Nordic IT Security, ICS2, Trend Micro, Cisco, NTT, Bright talk, Cyber Security Week, security serious) and multiple TEDx contributor, Jenny is a go-to guest expert on the human element of security, scams and social engineering and has appeared on numerous television and radio shows, as well as online media and traditional press outlets.

She was a “HQ Hunter” in the TV show “HUNTED” for Channel 4, were she performed various OSINT and undercover roles and was seconded to the special operations unit of the show.

Jenny is also the host of the award winning podcast “The Human Factor” interviewing industry leaders, bloggers, experts and fellow social engineers and con-artists about all elements of security.


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