Episode 78: Stefan Hager

Get in touch

Episode 78: Stefan Hager

For this episode, I am delighted to be joined by Stefan Hager, who works for the Internet Security Team at German company DATEV eG.

Having started with computers and starting to be puzzled by reality in the 80s, he started out as a programmer in the early 90s. Since 2000 he has been securing networks and computers for various enterprises in Germany and Scotland.

His main focus nowadays is raising security awareness, coming up with creative solutions to security problems and discussing new ideas concerning threat mitigation. When not trying to do any of that, he is either traveling, procrastinating or trying to beat some hacking challenge. Stefan also writes blog posts (in English and German) on his site https://cyberstuff.org

The Cuckoo’s Egg (Cliff Stoll)

Kingpin (Kevin Poulson)

PoC or GTFO publication

Stefan’s website – cyberstuff.org

Stefan’s BSides Munich Talk – Would You Like Some Honey With That

Stefan on Twitter – @khae

Don’t forget, to get in touch with me either try the contact page of the site or follow me on Twitter, where I can be found at @Jenny_Radcliffe


Posted in The Human Factor Podcast
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