Episode 71: Mark Godsland

Get in touch

Episode 71: Mark Godsland

On this episode, I am delighted to be joined by Mark Godsland, who is the Cyber Protect Officer at Thames Valley Police.

Mark is working within Thames Valley Police to help develop and deliver a Cyber-Protect strategy across the force. The aim is for proactive cyber-crime prevention initiatives to be created and utilised. 

By working with stakeholders, both within and outside of the force, Mark is helping staff be self-aware of the risks and to pass the message on to friends and family, via the #Tell2 campaign. 

For those interested in enquiring about helping the Police out, in this area, Tom Haye’s LinkedIn page can be accessed by clicking this link

To get in touch with Mark, his email is mark.godsland@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk 

Mark’s LinkedIn profile – Mark Godsland

Don’t forget, to get in touch with me either try the contact page of the site or follow me on Twitter, where I can be found at @Jenny_Radcliffe  

Posted in The Human Factor Podcast
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