Episode 21 : Javvad Malik

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Episode 21 : Javvad Malik


Javvad Malik is a Security Advocate at AlienVault, a blogger event speaker and industry commentator who is possibly best known as one of the industry’s most prolific video bloggers with his signature fresh and light-hearted perspective on security that speaks to both technical and non-technical audiences alike.

Prior to joining AlienVault, Javvad was a Senior Analyst at 451’s Enterprise Security Practice (ESP), providing in-depth, timely perspective on the state of enterprise security and emerging trends in addition to competitive research, new product and go-to-market positioning, investment due diligence and M&A strategy to technology vendors, private equity firms, venture capitalists and end users.

Prior to joining 451 Research, he was an independent security consultant, with a career spanning 12+ years working for some of the largest companies across the financial and energy sectors.

As well as being an author and co-author of several books, Javvad was a founder of the Security B-Sides London conference, as well as being the co-founder of Host Unknown with Thom Langford and Andrew Agnés.

One plus One equals Three (Dave Trott)

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed (Jon Ronson)

Thank You for Smoking (DVD)

Javvad on Twitter – @J4vv4D

Javvad’s Website – J4vv4d.com

Don’t forget, to get in touch with me either try the contact page of the site or follow me on Twitter, where I can be found at @Jenny_Radcliffe

Posted in The Human Factor Podcast
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