Episode 17 : Joe Gray

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Episode 17 : Joe Gray


I’m delighted to have a conversation with Joe Gray the host of the Advanced Persistent Security podcast.

Joe Gray joined the U.S. Navy directly out of High School and served for 7 years as a Submarine Navigation Electronics Technician. Joe is an Enterprise Security Consultant at Sword and Shield Enterprise Security in Knoxville, TN. Joe also maintains his own blog and podcast called Advanced Persistent Security. He is also in the SANS Instructor Development pipeline, teaching SANS Security 504: Hacker Tools, Techniques, Exploits, and Incident Handling. In his spare time, Joe enjoys reading news relevant to information security, attending information security conferences, contributing blogs to various outlets, bass fishing, and flying his drone.

Software Security: Building Security In (Gary R. McGraw)

Data and Goliath (Bruce Schneier)

Star Wars (DVD)

Mr Robot Season 1 (Amazon Prime TV)

Mr Robot Season 1 (DVD)

Joe on Twitter – @C_3PJoe

Joe’s website – Advanced Persistent Security

Joe’s website on Twitter – @advpersistentsec

Advanced Persistent Security podcast – Advanced Persistent Security

Posted in The Human Factor Podcast
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