Episode 140: James Gosnold

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Episode 140: James Gosnold

Join Jenny as she interviews James Gosnold about his fascinating career in security and beyond, including his years as a professional fruit machine player!  They talk about bringing other disciplines into security, the importance of understanding why people do what they do and about James’ brilliant book “The Magic Zablet.”  James wrote the book for his daughters but the lessons, explanations and warnings it contains are excellent for people of all ages wondering about the dangers and opportunities of  cyberspace.  Thanks for a brilliant interview James!

To find out more about The Magic Zablet, click the website link here.

To follow James on LinkedIn, click the link here.

For the link to Thinking Fast and Slow book, by Daniel Kahneman, click the Amazon link here.

To get in touch try the contact page of the Human Factor Security website or follow me on Twitter, where I can be found at @Jenny_Radcliffe

Note: music for the show was provided by;

Spinnin’ by Alex (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/32423 Ft: spinningmerkaba

Posted in The Human Factor Podcast
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