Episode 13 : Mark Ellis

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Episode 13 : Mark Ellis


On this episode, I’m delighted to talk to Mark Ellis.

Mark is an expert in interpersonal communication including non-verbal and verbal clues to Credibility and Deception. He has a natural ability to spot cues to lies and indicate appropriate questioning techniques to get to the truth backed up by scientific and established practices. This is through the analysis of Facial Expressions, Body-Language and the spoken word. He is a qualified FACS coder, which further increases his ability to spot the subtle changes in the human face relating to emotion including subtle and micro-expressions.

Mark is also a Director at Ipsos Custodiet, a company that supports business and individuals in communication, emotional intelligence, emotional awareness, and deception.

Hannibal (DVD)

We Need to Talk About Kevin (DVD)

Mark on Twitter – @Ipsos_Custodiet

Mark on LinkedIn – Mark Ellis

Posted in The Human Factor Podcast
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