Blog Archives

Should we hire a Hacker….? On Trust, Diversity and Common Sense

    “Should we hire a hacker?” It may be tired but it is a question that is persistently asked in the security industry, because I guess we don’t feel we have answered it satisfactorily yet, and there is an

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Posted in Social Engineering, The Deception Chronicles

On Attentiveness

One of the biggest mistakes people make in Negotiations is to lack due attentiveness throughout the procedure. Attentiveness means having a higher level of awareness of what is being said and, almost more importantly, what is not being said. I

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Posted in Negotiation, The Deception Chronicles

Peacocks, GURUs and Advice

Peacocks are a particularly daft bird. They are all mouth and pretty feathers but an absolute pain in the neck to be around, (apologies to peacock lovers everywhere.) I don’t really hate peacocks but their less than admirable qualities do

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Posted in Social Engineering, The Deception Chronicles, Uncategorised

The Locked Door… Do you think like a Social Engineer?

  A while ago on LinkedIn I posted the following riddle and its answer. It got lots of interaction because EVERYONE when they put their minds to it, likes to think of themselves as a Social Engineer, at least some

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Getting past Conference Security – Do you think like a Social Engineer

A while ago, I was speaking at a conference in the north of England. I wasn’t especially enamoured of the topic and was doing it as a favour for the organiser who was an old friend. I wasn’t “on” until

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Posted in Social Engineering, The Deception Chronicles

In the Weeds – Social Engineering Blindness and Red Teams

A couple of years ago at a conference in Texas I heard the phrase “in the weeds.”   It means being in the sort of situation where you get so emerged in the details “the weeds” that it is hard

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Posted in Social Engineering, The Deception Chronicles

The Enemy of Good – Thoughts on productivity

I was recently reminded of the saying “perfect is the enemy of good”and this got me thinking about personal demons and the things that block our creativity, productivity and ability to meet our goals. Years ago I worked for a

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Posted in Business, The Deception Chronicles

InfoSec 2015 Interview

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Rapunzel – Biometrics, Human Error and Social Engineering

Social Engineering, biometrics and human error are at the heart of the story of Rapunzel, along with proof that if somebody wants something badly enough they will find a way to get to it, regardless of the measures in place

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Spotting the Threat Within….

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Posted in Social Engineering, The Deception Chronicles
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